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Logan Van Staalduinen

Athletic Director


Athletics Philosophy


Each individual has unique talents and abilities.  Through athletics, these abilities are put into action for the ultimate reward of serving the Lord.


I Corinthians 10:31, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."



Welcome to Raider Athletics! I am very excited to be a part of athletics at Pungo Christian Academy. As Athletic Director, I am very impressed not only with the quality of athletes we have, but the quality of young men and women of God we have.  Our athletes represent themselves with honor and dignity on and off the court. It is my goal for our athletic program to not only develop great athletes and win championships, but also continue to develop young men and women who will become Godly leaders in their profession, their communities, and in their homes.

     - Logan Van Staalduinen, Athletic Director



Athletics Objectives


•  compete in a manner pleasing to God 

•  develop relationships through athletics

•  be a witness to the competitors

•  develop good sportsmanship that will last 
   beyond high school


983 W. Main Street

Belhaven, NC 27810


252.943.2678 office

252.494.8148 fax



District Code: PCA-NC

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